MSKI Dynamic Yoga
Complete body conditioning, both physically and mentally.Improves concentration, flexibility & focus The ultimate work-out for both mind & body. Stretch, tone & release Detox & De-stress. Yoga stimulates the cell renewal process with in the body keeping you feeling & looking physically younger!Enhancement of muscular activity, respiration, circulation and digestion will give benefits physically, psychologically and cosmetically. Skin colour and tone improve, eyes shine, posture and bearing improve. Combines the skills of concentration, patience, determination & self-control. Focus your mind to improve your ability to cope with everyday stresses of modern living. A practice designed to give you a demanding work-out for increased strength, energy & flexibility. MSKI Dynamic Yoga is the most efficient maintenance system for the entire body, in just 90 mins the whole body is stimulated from your bones through to your skin leaving you invigorated & energised.